by Senor | May 31, 2020 | Elder Law
Top Five Quick Tips for Preventing Elder Financial Abuse The sad truth is that elder abuse is more prevalent than ever as financial predators stalk the elderly and look...
by Senor | May 31, 2020 | Probate
Be Sure to Avoid Estate Planning Catastrophes Like These Tragedies in any walk of life are always a shocking and somber affair. Celebrity probate tragedies, however, continue to...
by Senor | Aug 28, 2019 | Testimonials
WE PROTECTED THIS FATHER’S HARD-EARNED SAVINGS AND HOME WORTH $757,000 AND QUALIFIED HIM FOR MEDI-CAL! 84-year-old Father is currently in the hospital with terminal...
by Senor | Aug 28, 2019 | Testimonials, Uncategorized
WE PROTECTED $530,000 IN ASSETS AND GOT THIS HUSBAND’S LONG-TERM CARE BILLS COVERED! 62-year-old Husband is disabled, incapacitated, and currently at a nursing home for...
by Senor | Aug 28, 2019 | Testimonials
WE PROTECTED $650,000 IN ASSETS AND QUALIFIED THIS MOTHER FOR MEDI-CAL, ELIMINATING HER MONTHLY $10,000 NURSING HOME BILL! 89-year-old Mother is currently residing in a Nursing...