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Estate Planning
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1609 Cravens Ave.
Torrance, CA 90501
Medi-Cal Approvals
We Get Medi-Cal Approvals Fast!
Our experienced legal team will help evaluate each client’s unique circumstances to help them to qualify for Medi-Cal benefits. Read the following examples of a few of our clients we have helped to get approved for Medi-Cal and you’ll see why we have a 99.99% success rate.
MAY 2021
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 86-year-old dad is currently residing at a nursing home. Son found him on the floor. Dad owns a home worth $406,600 but no savings.
Mario from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 81-year-old mom who has dementia, is currently at a nursing home and only has three weeks left in Medi-Care coverage. She owns a home worth $277,000 and has no savings left.
Clara from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 57-year-old wife who is disabled and previously qualified for Medi-Cal has been disqualified due to her transfer from a nursing home to her personal residence. Wife and husband own a home worth $560,320 with mortgage, two cars worth $25,000, an IRA worth $40,000, a 401K worth $32,000 and savings of $5000.
Judy from Costa Mesa, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community-Based”) 81-year-old Mother is a 2-time breast cancer survivor. She is active but concerned about long term care and would like to prepare to future needs while protecting her assets. Protected free and clear home worth $380,000 and approximately $140,000 in savings for her son.
Teruko from Gardena, CA
APRIL 2019
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 53-year-old wife is suffering from a brain tumor but has mental capacity. She applied for Medi-Cal in the past but has been denied due to her husband’s assets. She is now receiving Medi-Cal benefits and is currently residing in a nursing home.
Grace from Long Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community-Based”) 92-year-old Aunt who cannot walk and requires IHSS in home care. Protected free and clear house and her 4-unit rental property worth $1,176,304, stocks worth $200,000, and $75,000 in savings.
Helen from Santa Monica, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community-Based”) 91-year-old Mother is in good health and lives at home with her son. Her son can no longer take care of her because he is in a wheelchair. Protected free and clear home worth $498,473 and $1,000,000 in savings for her son.
Sylvia from Los Angeles, CA
MARCH 2020
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 95-year-old mother was diagnosed with dementia and is currently in the hospital. She owns a HOME worth $500,000 + $9,000 in SAVINGS.
Haily from Anaheim, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 81-year-old mother is currently residing at home, and wants to continue living at home. She requires 24-hour care and family would like to hire a nurse. Mom owns HOME worth $689,000 + NO SAVINGS.
Walter from Northridge, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 79-year-old mother was admitted to Vista Cove nursing home. Daughter lives out of state and needs help caring for mom. Mother owns NO HOME + $75,000 in SAVINGS.
Sandra from Rosemead, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 68-year-old mother is currently residing at a nursing home. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The family is seeking serious help to support mom. Mother owns HOME worth $556,000 + $265,000 in SAVINGS.
Jung Lee from Anaheim, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 90-year-old father has beginning dementia and lives independently. 90-year-old mother fell and is at York Convalescent. Couple owns a HOME worth $547,000 + $1,000 in SAVINGS.
Antonio and Alicia from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 84-year-old father is currently in the hospital with terminal cancer. The family would like to place dad into a Long Term Care facility to allow dad to receive the proper care he needs. Father owns a HOME worth $517,000 + $40,000 in SAVINGS.
Ben from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) Elderly mom is currently residing in a facility in Orange. Daughter would like to move mom closer to her but affordable. Mom own a mobile home worth $100,000 + $120,000 in SAVINGS.
Theresa from Compton, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) Elderly mom is currently residing at home but her health is declining. The family is looking to place mom into a Nursing Home but will not be able to afford the monthly bill. Mom owns NO HOME + NO SAVINGS.
Judith from Orange, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 89-year-old mother is currently residing at County Villa Wilshire. Family can not afford to pay out of pocket for moms stay. Mom owns NO HOME + $900,000 in SAVINGS.
Joy from Alta Loma, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 86-year-old mother lives independently in her home with a live-in caregiver. She can no longer afford out of pocket for her caregiver. Mom owns a HOME worth $530,000 + NO SAVINGS.
Betty from Santee, CA
✔APPROVED (” Long-Term Care”) 84-year-old women was admitted to St. John of God due to her heath issue. She has no one to care for her at home and will need to be placed into a nursing home. She owns NO HOME + $82,000 in SAVINGS.
Patricia from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 76-year-old mother is currently residing at Shore Ling nursing home under 100 days Medicare. She owns HOME worth $475,000 + $60,000 in SAVINGS.
Winnie from Inglewood, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) Mom is currently residing in a hospital in San Diego. Due to her heath issues, she now requires 24-hour care. She owns NO HOME + $80,000 in SAVINGS.
Jean from Mission Viego, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) Elderly husband is currently residing at home with moderate Alzheimer’s. Wife is well at home taking care of him but can no longer fulfill all his needs. Couple owns NO HOME + $240,000 in SAVINGS.
Frank from Northridge, CA
✔APPROVED (Long-Term Care”) 62-year-old husband is disabled, incapacitated, and is residing at El Encanto nursing home. Wife is in good health residing at home. Couple owns HOME worth $500,000 + $30,000 in SAVINGS.
Juan and Desiree from La Puente, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 87-year-old mom is currently residing at Gem Healthcare. She fell and suffered a broken hip. Mom owns NO HOME + $40,000 in SAVINGS.
Eiko from Monterey Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 83-year-old widow had a bad fall and was placed into a board and care for recovery. She owns NO HOME + $20,000 in SAVINGS.
Kathleen from Buena Park, CA
✔APPROVED (” Community Base”) 84-year-old father is currently residing in the hospital with terminal cancer. Dad owns 50% interest of a HOME worth $500,000 + $40,000 in SAVINGS.
Masahiro from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 98-year-old dad is currently living at home with 24-hour care. Monthly expenses are going up and son would like to seek help paying for dad’s care. Dad owns HOME worth $400,000 + $150,000 in SAVINGS.
Yoshito from El Monte, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 89-year-old mom currently suffering Alzheimer and cannot care for herself anymore. She is now residing with daughter, but is seeking long term care help for mom. She owns NO HOME + $5,000 in SAVINGS.
Alicia from Chino, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 88-year-old sister is currently residing at home with hospice care at home. She owns HOME worth $500,000 + $3,000 in SAVINGS.
Sylvia from Monrovia, CA
✔APPROVED (” Community Base”) 84-year-old mother currently residing with daughter is suffering Alzheimer and cannot walk. Mom owns NO HOME + $90,000 in SAVINGS.
Eugenia from Altadena, CA
✔APPROVED (” Long-Term Care”) 54-year-old husband currently residing at North Valley nursing home has suffered a stroke and is unable to care for himself. Wife is in better health residing at home. Couple owns a HOME worth $415,000 + 2 RENTAL PROPERTIES + $20,000 in SAVINGS.
Edgardo from Valencia, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 102-year-old mother is currently residing at Chatsworth Park and is privately paying $126.00 a day. Son is seeking help to pay for her care. Mom owns NO HOME + $38,000 in SAVINGS.
Juanita from Porter Ranch, CA
✔APPROVED (” Long-Term Care”) 77-year-old sister is currently residing at Keiro Nursing home in bad health. Family is seeking help to pay for her stay. She owns NO HOME + $26,000 in SAVINGS.
Keiko from Northridge, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 85-year-old wife had a recent car accident that left her with a broken femur. She is now residing at Rose Ville nursing home. Husband is in good health residing at home. Couple owns HOME worth $550,000 + $7,000 in SAVINGS + CAR.
Helen from Lakewood, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 79-year-old wife is currently residing at West Anaheim Care Center under Medicare days. Elder husband is well at home. Couple owns HOME worth $570,000 + LOT + 6,000 in SAVINGS.
Frances from La Palma, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 86-year-old widow suffered a massive stroke and is currently residing with daughter. Family would like to place mom in 24-hour care. Mom owns NO HOME + $73,000 in SAVINGS.
Patricia from Los Alamitos, CA
JULY 2019
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 89-year-old mother is currently residing at home in good health. She owns a HOME worth $300,000 + $200,000 in SAVINGS.
Esther from Palos Verdes, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 80-year-old widow is currently residing with friend at home. Health is declining, and friend is unable to provide all the care she needs. She owns NO HOME + $6,000 in SAVINGS.
Christina from Paramount, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 80-year-old wife is residing at Huntington Drive Rehab Center. Client’s wife was placed in the facility due to Parkinson’s disease. The couple owns 2 Life Insurance Policies and IRAs valued at $25,000.
Teruyo from Altadena, CA
JUNE 2019
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 76-year-old mother is currently in a Sub-acute facility. Son will like to move mom into a skilled nursing facility. Mom owns a a HOME worth $410,000 + 30,000 in SAVINGS + $200,000 IRA.
Andrea from Long Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 84-year-old wife is currently in a hospital receiving acute care. Elderly husband is in better health residing at at home. Couple owns HOME worth $400,000 + $140,000 in SAVINGS.
Barbara from Anaheim, CA
MAY 2019
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 67-year-old friend is residing at Country Villa Wilshire. Client’s friend is recovering from a knee replacement and cannot walk. Client’s friend owns HOME valued at $472,000, $23,000 SAVINGS, IRA worth $90,000.
Christine from Van Nuys, CA
✔APPROVED (“Board and Care Facility”) 71-year-old husband is residing at Mauna Loa Oaks. Client’s husband received inheritance valued at $48,000
Daniel from Pasadena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 94-year-old mother is residing at home. Client’s mother’s health is declining and is receiving In-Home-Supportive-Services. Mother owned a HOME valued at $1,465,000, NO SAVINGS, and IRA valued at $50,000.
Fumiko from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 79-year-old father currently residing at Fountain View Sub acute. Daughter cannot afford daily rates for dad’s stay. Father owns HOME worth $349,000 + RENTAL LOT.
Charles from Burbank, CA
APRIL 2019
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 72-year-old father and 62-year-old mother live at home. Client’s parents had SAVINGS valued at $110,000.
Joon & Nam from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 73-year-old father is currently residing at Brookdale Assisted Living suffering begin dementia, depression, and is bipolar. He is privately paying $2,731.00 per month. Father owns MOBILE HOME worth $10,000 + $79,000 in SAVINGS.
Joseph from Alhambra, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 76-year-old widow currently living on her own has no children and family would like 24-hour care for her. She owns a HOME worth $600,000 + $88,000 in CHECKING + $200,000 CD + LIFE INSURANCE.
Thelma from Torrance, CA
MARCH 2019
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) Elderly aunt is currently residing at home. She is privately pays $7,000 for hour care. Family would like to get aunt qualified for Medi-Cal to help cover expenses. Aunt owns a HOME worth $400,000 + $20,000 in SAVINGS + 200,000 in STOCKS + $25,000 IRA + $20,000 LIFE INSURANCE.
Yaeko from Carson, CA
✔APPROVED (” Community Based”) 91-year-old mother is currently residing in an assisted living facility with good health. She owns NO HOME + $20,000 in SAVINGS.
Roberta from Manhattan Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 82-year-old mother us currently residing at home. Family wants to prepare for the future Long-Term Care since she is declining rapidly. Mom owns NO HOME + $400,000 in SAVINGS + LIFE INSURANCE.
Carol from Lakewood, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 78-year-old mother is currently residing at home with She has dementia and her capacity is declining although physically she is strong. Mother and daughter OWN A HOME + NO SAVINGS.
Rosie from South Gate, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 90-year-old husband is currently residing at Rinaldi Convalescent Hospital. He had a stroke and needs 24/7 care. Husband OWNS A HOME + $75k IN SAVINGS.
Romeo from Castaic, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) Mother is currently residing at Seal Beach Rehabilitation Center. Daughter is seeking to bring mom home. Mom owns a HOME+ $60k IN SAVINGS.
Olga from Seal Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 68-year-old dad is currently residing at a nursing home. He is single and has no family. Currently he owns a HOME + NO SAVINGS.
Wallace from Alhambra, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Base”) 78-year-old sister is currently residing in an assisted living facility. Sister owns a HOME+ $14k savings +$375k in an Ameriprise account.
Joyce from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 80-year-old mother is currently residing at Country Villa Mar Vista Healthcare. Mom owns a HOME + $9k IN SAVINGS + $54k in a Fidelity account.
Margaret from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 85-year-old mother is currently residing at Downey Care Center. She broke her hip and has beginning stages of dementia. Mom owns NO HOME + $9k IN SAVINGS.
Velma from Compton, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 81-year-old husband is residing at Courtyard Care Center. Husband fell and is unable to return home because he needs 24-hour care. Couple own a HOME in Leisure World, had $25,000 IN SAVINGS and owned an IRA valued at $64,955.18.
Ronald, Seal Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 77-year-old aunt is residing at home with her niece but will need long-term in the very near future. Aunt has $40,000 IN SAVINGS.
Doris, Escondido, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 77-year-old husband was residing at Ivy Creek Nursing Home. Client’s husband was placed in the facility after suffering a heart-attack. Couple owns a HOME, valued at $650,000, $215,000 IN SAVINGS and IRA, valued at $195,000.
Chikara, San Gabriel, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 81-year-old husband is residing at Courtyard Care Center. Husband fell and is unable to return home because he ne eds 24-hour care. Couple own a HOME in Leisure Wold, had $25,000 IN SAVINGS and owned an IRA valued at $64,955.18
Ronald from Seal Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 76-year-old husband is residing at Lomita Post-Acute Care. Client’s husband was placed in the facility after suffering from a stroke. Couple owns a HOME valued at $660,000, $25,000 IN SAVINGS and 401k valued at $300,000.
Fred from Buena Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 89-year-old mother was transferred to El Encanto nursing home under Medicare days. Family does not know how long she will be in the facility due to declining health. Mom owns HOME + $120k IN SAVINGS.
Arie from West Covina, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 85-year-old mother is currently residing at Newport Subacute after suffering from failing health. Family decided mom needed 24-hour care. Mom owns a HOME +$1.5 million IN SAVINGS.
Mary from Costa Mesa, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 76-year-old mother suffered brain trauma and entered a skilled nursing facility. After a few months’ mom was able to return home with dad. Couple owns a HOME + about $100k IN SAVINGS + IRA + Stocks.
Jane & Keiichi from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 90-year-old aunt suffering from poor health. Family decided she needed 24-hour care and has been residing in Walnut Village Care Center – Skilled Nursing since April. Aunt owns NO HOME+ $25,000.00 IN SAVINGS.
Marie from Cypress, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 88-year-old father has been residing in Ramona Convalescent since February. Dad’s health declined quickly and now requires 24-hour care. Dad owns HOME worth $400,000 + CONDO worth $200,000+ NO SAVINGS.
Valentine from Hacienda Heights, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 78-year-old father has been residing at Country Villa Mar Vista after being discharged from the hospital. Dad owns NO HOME+ $3,000 IN SAVINGS.
Terry from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community based”) 95-year-old mother is living at home. Mom’s health was declining so family brought in a caregiver. Mom owns NO HOME+ $18,000 IN SAVINGS.
Elizabeth from Playa Vista, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 83-year-old wife currently residing at Norwalk Skilled Nurse &Wellness Center. Wife’s health is starting to decline husband is no longer able to give her 24-hour care. Couple owns a HOME worth $458,000 + $172,000 in savings.
Lillian from Whittier, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 86-year-old father is currently residing at home. Dad is still capable of caring for himself. Daughters wanted to prepare for the future in case anything happens to him. Dad owns NO HOME+ 7,000 in savings.
Angel from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 73-year-old husband has been residing at Royal Crest Health Care, his health was declining so family decided to get him 24-hour care. Couple owns a HOME worth $500,000 + $50,000 in SAVINGS.
Chung Chen from West Covina, CA
✔APPROVED (Long Term Care) 79-year-old wife is currently residing at Hollenbeck Nursing facility. Health was declining family decided mom needed 24-hour care. Wife owns a home worth $484,000+ $175,000 in savings.
Marian from Rosemead, CA
✔APPROVED (Community Based) 80-year-old wife and 85-year-old husband are currently residing at home. Mom fell at home and was in a nursing facility for a few months but has now recovered and returned home with husband. Couple owns a home worth $403,000+ $45,000 in savings.
Jose & Sulema from Commerce, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 65-year-old mother is currently residing at Garden Crest with good capacity. Daughter is seeking In Home Supportive Services to bring mom home. Mom owns NO HOME + $9,000 IN SAVINGS.
Henrietta from Hawthorne, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 88-year-old wife and 98-year-old husband are currently residing in Oakmont Assisted Living in Whittier. Couple is in good health but family is planning for the future in case they need Long Term Care. Couple owns NO HOME + $363,000 in SAVINGS.
Shige & Charlotte from Midway City, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 74-year old-mother is unable to care for herself due to previous accident. Daughters are looking into 24-hour care for her. Mom owns NO HOME + NO SAVINGS.
Young from South Pasadena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 85-year-old wife diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s. 87-year-old husband is currently residing at home caring for wife. Couple owns HOME WORTH $350,000 + $300,000 IN SAVINGS.
Jane from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 85-year-old widowed currently residing at home but health is declining. Family is looking to get 24-hour care for her. Mom owns HOME WORTH $800,000 + $900,000 IN SAVINGS.
Jean from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”): 90-year-old wife is currently residing at Seacrest Nursing home. 89-Year-old husband is residing at home with little health issues. Couple owns HOME WORTH $350,000 + $550,000 IN SAVINGS.
Martha from San Pedro, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”): 84-year-old husband is currently residing at Huntington Beach Nursing home. Wife is doing better and lives at home. Couple owns HOME WORTH $250,000 + $150,000 IN SAVINGS.
Dolores from Seal Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 70-year-old-mother suffered a severe stroke and is currently residing at Rinaldi nursing home under 100 days Medicare. Elderly father us doing well at home. Couple owns a home worth $350,000 + NO SAVINGS.
Maria from Granada Hills, CA
✔APPROVED (” Long Term Care”) 67-year-old women is currently residing in a nursing home. A friend will like to keep her in a Long-Term Care facility due to her high level of care, but they cannot afford her stay. She owns a HOME WORTH $800,000 + $50,000 IN SAVINGS.
Kathryn from Pasadena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 80-year-old sister is disabled on hospice. Family is seeking to put her into a Long-Term Care facility for the 24-hour care. She owns HOME WORTH $23,000 + $20,000 IN SAVINGS.
Jo Ann from Canoga Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 88-year-old wife is currently residing at Mesa Verde nursing facility. She owns NO HOME + NO SAVINGS.
Kim from Costa Mesa, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 95-year-old mom is currently residing at a skilled nursing facility suffering dementia. Mom’s health is declining, and family is looking into long-term care facilities to cover her 24-hour need of care. Mom owns condo WORTH 350,000 + NO SAVINGS.
Dora from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 96-year-old mother is currently residing at Belmont Rehab. Medicare will no longer pay for her stay and family cannot afford to pay out of pocket. Mom owns HOME WORTH $260,000 + NO SAVINGS.
Fiona from Long Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 85-year-old father and 83-year-old mother currently live at home. Dad is on the waiting list for Keiro Intermediate. Couple owns HOME worth $330,000 + $150,000 IN SAVINGS.
Shiro from Buena Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) Elderly mom was diagnosed with dementia 2 years ago due to mom requiring a high level of care daughter would like to place mom into a skilled nursing facility. Mom owns NO HOME + NO SAVINGS.
Donna from Pomona, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 80-year-old mother currently residing with daughter at home. Moms heath is declining, and daughter is unable to take care of mom 24 hours. Daughter is looking into getting mom into skilled nursing she owns NO HOME + NO SAVINGS.
Carolyn from San Jose, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 80-year-old father and 76-year-old mother are still residing at home. Family is starting to question dad’s heath due to him having beginning stage of dementia. Couple owns NO HOME + $130,000 in SAVINGS.
Thomas & Amy from Gardena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 76-year-old wife suffering Parkinson residing at home. 76-year-old husband recently suffered a massive stroke and is now residing at Holy Cross hospital. Couple owns HOME worth $400,000 + $250,000 in SAVINGS.
Isaac & Josephine from Sylmar, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) Elderly father was discharged from the hospital to Rinaldi. Mom is well at home. Couple owns a HOME worth $500,000 + $34,000 in SAVINGS.
Gerald & Joan Goldberg from Santa Clarita, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 81-year-old mother suffered a stroke about 2 weeks ago. She was released from the hospital to York Wellness Center. Mom owns a HOME worth $700,000 + $56,000 in SAVINGS + Life Insurance.
Lolita from Lakeview Terrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 74-year-old father currently residing in long-term care facility. Wife is struggling with paying for his stay. Couple owns NO HOME+ $73,000 in SAVINGS.
Albert from Fullerton, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) Single mother of 3 children is currently residing in Vermont Care Center. She has been privately paying the nursing home for 2 months. Mom owns NO HOME+ $90,000 in SAVINGS.
Elaine from Valencia, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 83-year-old mother suffered a stroke, heart attack and was later diagnosed with dementia. Son is looking into 24-hour care for mom. Mother owns HOME worth $350,000 + RENTAL worth $200,000 + NO SAVINGS.
Domingo from Pasadena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 76-year-old wife had knee surgery and has difficulty walking. 74-year-old husband is doing good and is in better health residing at home. Couple owns HOME worth $350,000 + $150,000 in SAVINGS.
Blanca from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 94-year-old mother is currently residing at Keiro Intermediate Care Facility. She has been privately paying $5,000 a month. Mom owns NO HOME + $204,000 in SAVINGS.
Yasuko from Monterey Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 86-year-old mother is currently residing at home. Mom is looking into Long Term Care services. She owns HOME worth $350,000 + $50,000 in SAVINGS.
Kendra from Manhattan Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 73-year-old women had a massive stroke and is now residing at Leisure Glen Care Center. She owns a HOME worth $780,000 + $17,000 in SAVINGS + $34,000 in IRA account.
Cynthia from Glendale, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 88-year-old widow fell and broke her hip. She is currently residing at Vermont Healthcare. Mom has NO HOME + $270,000 IN SAVINGS.
Barbara from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 87-year-old widow, blind but has capacity. Adult children are looking into 24-hour care for mom. Mom owns HOME worth $250,000 + $22,000 in SAVINGS.
Giselle from Venice, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 75-year-old mother is currently residing in a sub-acute facility. She has been residing in that facility for the last 6 weeks. Mom owns NO HOME+NO MONEY.
Margaret from Redondo Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 88-year-old widow suffering dementia is currently residing at Huntington Drive Rehab. She was covered under 100 days Medicare that has recently lapsed. She owns TRIPLEX WORTH $133,371 + $40,000 IN SAVINGS.
Maria from Monrovia, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 84-year-old mother fell and broke her pelvis currently residing at a rehab. 85-year-old father was admitted to the hospital with no insurance. Couple owns MOBILE HOME WORTH $700,000 + VACATION HOME WORTH $80,000 + $50,000 IN SAVINGS.
Maria from Monrovia, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 87-year-old women currently residing at Arcadia Rehab. NO children and siblings are all out of state. She owns NO HOME + $15,000 in SAVINGS.
Marjory from Covina, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 92-year-old widow currently residing at Living Garden with 24-hour care ranging at about $8,000 a month. With her capacity failing her level of care is increasing. She owns a HOME worth $466,000 + $70,000 in SAVINGS
Toyoko from Cupertino, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 91-year-old widow is currently residing at Keiro Nursing home and privately paying about $6,400 a month. Family is seeking help to pay for mom’s stay. Mom owns HOME worth $396,000 + $45,000 in SAVINGS.
Yotsuko from Mission Hills, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 85-year-old women currently residing at Hollenbeck Palms has no children but 4 other sisters living in retirement homes. She owns HOME worth $275,000 + $400,000 in SAVINGS.
Jean from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 90-year-old husband and 73-year-old wife are currently residing at home. Couple has no kids, looking into long term care for the future. Couple owns CONDO worth $ 411,000 + $400,000 in SAVINGS.
Philip from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 85-year-old mother currently in a nursing home, daughter is looking into getting mom Medi-Cal to help pay for her stay. Mother owns home worth $1,000,000 + NO SAVINGS.
Olga from Westchester, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care“) 92-year-old mother is currently living at Katella Senior Living, she is being transferred from assisted living to the skilled nursing home section. Mom owns NO HOME + $16,000 in SAVINGS.
Edna from Lakewood, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 96-year-old mother fell and broke her hip. She was admitted to Woodland Health Care under 100-day coverage. Nursing home wants to discharge mom for exceeding coverage. Mom owns HOME worth $450,000+$100,000 in SAVINGS.
Virginia from West Hills, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 53-year-old husband suffered a stroke and was transferred to rehab. 55-year-old wife is residing at home. Couple owns a HOME worth $850,000+$55,000 in savings.
Daniel from Walnut, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 93-year-old mother currently residing at Nursing Facility is seeking help to pay for her stay. Mother owns NO HOME+$20,000 in savings.
Myra from Sherman Oaks, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 90-year-old mother has mental capacity temporarily residing at a Nursing Facility. Daughters plan is to bring mom home and be personal caregiver. Mother owns home worth $200,000+Rental Property+$700,000 in savings.
Maria from Montebello, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 89-year-old mother suffered a stroke and was discharged from a rehab. Mother owns a home worth $300,000 + $130,000 in savings.
Alice from Monterey Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 82-year-old mother currently residing at a short-term rehab is looking to move to a Long-Term Care facility. She owns home worth $350,000+$23,000 in savings.
Anita from South El Monte, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 73-year-old wife suffering from dementia, 75-year-old husband is her primary caregiver. They own home worth $275,000 + property rental worth $420,000 + no savings.
Wilfredo & Delia from Milipitas, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 89-year-old mother fell and broke her pelvis, she is currently residing at Chatsworth nursing home. Mother owns NO HOME+$180,000 in misc. savings.
Selma from Porter Ranch, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 89-year-old mother currently residing at home having trouble with her blood pressure, she owns home worth 500,000+95,000 in savings.
Norma from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 86-year-old uncle is currently residing in a nursing home roughly paying $180.00 a day. Client owns NO HOME+$500,000 in savings.
Masaharu from Orosi, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 78-year-old brother currently residing at Gladstone nursing home recently suffered heart attack. Family needs help paying for nursing home care. He owns home worth $1,000,000+$450,000 in savings.
Verland from Glendora, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 63-year-old father currently residing at Via Elena Healthcare. He is diabetic recently out of surgery. Family is co-paying the nursing home. Dad owns home+2cars+$40,000 in savings+ $28,000 in retirement account.
Guillermo from Hawaiian Gardens, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 82-year-old mom with little capacity currently residing at home. Family is looking for long term care for the future. She owns home+$70,000 in savings.
Marissa from Glendora, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 90-year-old mother in good health residing at home. She owns home worth $500,000+250,000 in savings.
Fumiye from Orosi, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) Elderly parents are currently residing at home and daughter is looking for long term help. Couple owns home worth $450,000+$80,000 in savings.
John & Vera from Santa Clarita, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 91-year-old mother is currently residing at Downey Care Center with about 40-50% capacity. Son is currently paying $6,000 NH cost. Mom owns NO HOME+$23,000 in savings+$8,000 IRA.
Molly from Huntington Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 76-year-old husband currently battling lung cancer is residing at Four Seasons Convalescent. He is under 100-day Medicare. Wife is well residing at home. Couple owns no home+30,000 in savings.
James from North Hollywood, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 82-year-old wife currently residing at Guardian rehab and husband 85 years old with little capacity residing at home. Couple owns home worth 400,000+2 cars+60,000 in savings account.
Ray from Monterey Park, CA
✔APPROVED (”Community Based”) 90-year-old mother is currently on hospice with little or no capacity. Family is seeking to get nursing home care. Mother owns home worth 500,000+ 9,000 in savings.
Helen from North Hills, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 50-year-old brother is currently in a nursing home. His capacity is questionable, and his 100 days of Medicare coverage is about to lapse. He owns NO home+ NO savings.
Richard from Eatonton, GA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 83-year-old mother who doesn’t have much capacity, daughter wants to get her on Medi-Cal and later move her into a nursing home. Mother owns home worth 350,000+400,000 in savings.
Margaret from Gardena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 87-year-old mother suffering early Alzheimer’s, son is looking to place mom into a nursing home. Mom owns home worth 450,000 + 126,000 in annuity + 53,000 in savings + LTC insurance + car.
Teruko from Monterey Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 85-year-old husband is currently residing at Keiro nursing home. 87-year-old wife is residing at home with home care support. Couple owns home worth 90,000 + 90,000 in savings.
Hiroshi & Kazuko from Gardena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) Elderly father suffered a stroke and is currently residing at a Nursing Home. He owns does not own a home or have a savings.
Hach from Glendale, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community based”) 55 year old brother hospitalized after his stoke. Family is looking to get him Nursing Home assistance. Brother owns inherited home worth $50,000 and no savings.
Michael from West Covina, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 87-year-old mom needs Long Term Care assistance. Mom owns home worth $670,000, 5,000 in savings and a small paid off restaurant.
Miyako from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) Dad is being discharged from Nursing Home. He owns a home worth $298,000, a savings with $2,000, and a small car.
Chris from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 79-year-old domestic partner is residing in nursing home. Other partner is in good health living at home. Domestic partner owns 50% of home worth 400,000 and 100% of rentals worth $330,000.
Maureen from Long Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 86-year-old father is residing in nursing home and wife is residing at home with no health issues. Couple owns home worth $550,000 and $100,000 in miscellaneous accounts.
Noboru from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 85-year-old mom who fell and broke her pelvis needs medical attention and 94-year-old dad who has capacity and no health issues owns home worth $940,000 and $215,000 in miscellaneous accounts.
Yeiko from Monterey Park, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 74-year-old wife is currently residing in a nursing home. Husband has no health issues and resides at home. Husband has concerns about paying for nursing home. Couple owns home worth $800,000, wife’s IRA worth $52,000 and $24,000 savings
Virgina from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 91-year-old wife and 93-year-old husband together have 3 kids, owns home worth $350,000, $10,000 in stock, $30,000 in savings and $10,000 in IRA.
Aileen & Tosh from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 68-year-old father has dementia and cannot function without assistance. Wife is looking to put husband in a nursing home. Couple owns home worth $680,000 and $100,000 in savings.
Richard from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 91-year-old mother is currently in hospital family is looking to get mom nursing home assistance. Mom owns home worth $631,300, IRA $80,000 and no savings.
Rita from Arcadia, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 89-year-old widow fighting breast cancer. Family is trying to get her into Long Term Care nursing home. She has no kids, no property but owns $16,000 in savings and $32,000 in annuity.
Hideko from Cypress, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) Husband 89-years-old, Wife is 88-years-old. Husband had a bad fall and is not in great condition. Wife is trying to get husband out of hospital and into a nursing home. Couple owns mobile home worth $30,000 and $90,000 in savings.
Mary from Santa Clarita, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 79-year-old father currently in a nursing home. Family needs help paying for it. He has $150,000 in savings but does not own a home.
Wesley from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 63-year-old dad is currently residing at nursing home. On December 23, 2014 – dad fell and was sent to the hospital. At home he had a blood clot seizure and is now on disability. Has a trach, feeding tube, and one lung removed as a result of cancer. Dad owns a HOME worth $150K + $16K in IRA account.
Randall from Lancaster, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 85-year-old husband suffered a stroke and is currently residing at Rio Hondo Nursing Home. He has capacity but cannot sign. 64-year-old wife is currently in well health and is residing at home. They were married in 2003. Husband owns a HOME+$116k brokerage+$22k checking account. Wife owns HOME+$670k in miscellaneous accounts. Family is concerned about asset protection.
Joseph from Alhambra, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 80-year-old mother is currently residing at Paramount Meadows under the 100 days. Mother applied for MC and is in the process of a document request. Mom owns HOME+ NO SAVINGS+2 Life insurance Policies.
Margaret from Pico Rivera, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 91-year-old mother was diagnosed with beginning dementia. She is currently living with daughter since she is providing the care. Mom has NO HOME+ $17k savings+ $45k annuity.
Sue from Gardena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based Care”) 70-year-old wife is doing a little better at home with some health issues. The marriage between husband and wife is not all that great. They are separate but still legally married. Parents own NO HOME + $21k in savings. Family wants to apply for Medi-Cal for both parents and allocate dad’s income to mom since she depends on his support.
Jackie from La Habra Heights, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 87-year-old father is residing at Anaheim Health Care. Dad has capacity but unfortunately, he has prostate cancer. Family would like to get him down to San Pedro to be closer to daughters. Wife is having health issues as well since she is diabetic. Clients own HOME + $240k in miscellaneous savings.
Samuel from Anaheim, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 83-year-old father moved to LA from Connecticut and is currently residing with children privately paying $100/day for PT Caregiver. Dad owns a co-opt in Connecticut which the family will sell and he also has about $300k in miscellaneous accounts.
Michael from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 85-year-old father is suffering from Alzheimer and is currently residing at Country Villa Healthcare. Ray is married but has been separated since 1987. There is a mutual understanding that he will give $400 monthly as spousal payment. Dad owns NO HOME + $55k in savings.
Bishop from Torrance, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) Husband is currently in Fountain View Nursing Home. Husband still has 90 days for his Medi-Care. Husband suffered a stroke but has mental capacity. ASSETS: owns a HOME, SAVINGS of $300 and LIFE INSURANCE.
Leroy from Los Angeles, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 84-year-old brother is currently residing at Beverly Hills Carmelo South Assisted Living Facility. He does not have much in assets but the family would like to prepare and protect his assets from Medi-Cal Recovery. He is a very proud man and does not like to look weak or in need of help. NO HOME + $25k in savings.
James from Gardena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) Elderly father, 89 (is a veteran) & mother is 88. Dad fell and is now at Country Manor in SFV. They are under the 90 days for Medicare, and they want to transfer Dad to Life House, it is a nicer NH in Santa Clarita. The parents have a mobile home ($30K – $40K), $90k in savings, and Life Insurance.
Lonnie from Santa Clarita, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) Elderly husband is currently residing at UCLA Westwood Hospital and is ready to be discharged. Family does not have a place set already. Couple owns HOME + $142k IRA + $163k investment account.
Thomas & Liddell from Temple City, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 62-year-oldold brother is handicap and needs a higher level of care. Client owns NO HOME + NO Savings.
Seigo from West Covina, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long-Term Care”) 95-year-old aunt currently residing at a nursing home and needs Medi-Cal and owns no home, $15,000 CD, and $22,000 annuity.
Nellie from Downey, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 92-year-old dad is residing at home with 24/7 in-home care that the family is privately paying $4,000 per month. The family would like to qualify dad for Medi-Cal. Dad owns a home worth $453,117 and $30,000 in savings.
Harry from Gardena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 91-year-old dad is residing at a nursing home. Dad owns a home and small savings.
Richard from Santa Clarita, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 79-year-old wife is residing at a Convalescent home and is under the Medi-Care 100 days. The family would like to protect her assets and qualify for Medi-Cal. Mom owns a home worth $453,117 and $30,000 in savings.
Verna from Whittier, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 77-year-old mother is currently residing at a nursing home and needs Medi-Cal because her health is slowly deteriorating. She owns a home worth $342,000, some savings and a life insurance policy.
Esther from La Puente, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 78-year-old mom went into a nursing home and needs 24-hour care because she is also a cancer patient. Mom has Blue Cross but the Social Services Director from the nursing home strongly suggested qualifying for Medi-Cal because it pays from long term care. Mom owns a home worth $338,000, a car and about $4,000 in savings.
Angelica from Long Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 83-year-old mom is currently residing at a nursing home and needs Medi-Cal. She owns a home worth $978,000 and $15,000 in savings.
Kazue from Long Beach, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 85-year-old mom moved from Florida to California and is now residing at a nursing facility. She recently sold her condo and received proceeds of $85,000. However, she now has no savings since everything has been used to pay for her care.
Emma from El Segundo, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 95-year-old mother is currently residing at a nursing home. She owns a home worth $300,000 and no savings
Akiko from Gardena, CA
✔APPROVED (“Long Term Care”) 73-ear-old mother is currently residing at a nursing home and is approaching the 100th day of Medicare coverage. She owns a home worth $400,000 and an IRA worth $50,000.
Joyce from Whittier, CA
✔APPROVED (“Community Based”) 72-year-old dad is currently residing with daughter. Unfortunately, his health has declined and can no longer live independently. Eventually he will be placed in an assisted living facility. Dad owns a home worth $350,000 and a savings of $100,000.
Benjamin from Pasadena, CA
What is the income limit for Medi-Cal in 2020?
Will I lose my Medi-Cal benefits if I get married?

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